Our Team


Impact Health’s clinicians have made improving your health their career. Our clinicians have advanced their expertise beyond the entry-level bachelors and doctoral programs, with advanced clinical training in Manual Therapy and Sports Performance. Our clinicians are developing cutting-edge programs, including authoring a clinical fitness and physical therapy curriculum. We have developed a program called Body Awareness Training that empowers the client to understand their body and how it responds to exercise. All of our training and education is utilized to specifically tailor therapy and fitness programs to your needs.

Our clinical fitness and physical therapy practice is designed to utilize our expertise to maximize your health and performance. Our clinicians are experts in the assessment and treatment of structural and movement disorders of your body. We integrate many forms of bodywork, manual therapy, movement, and structural integration, postural analysis and treatment, athlete-specific training, and human performance research. Essentially, we understand that in order to help you reach your peak health and optimal performance, we must continue to develop our knowledge and skills.

Impact Health’s clinicians are experts in treating your health as a whole. Our expertise and advanced training in orthopedic, neuromuscular and manual therapy, human performance, and physiology allows us to address breakdowns in your body’s muscles and tendons, joints, nervous system, and cardiovascular fitness, and we get to put it all back together again in fitness and performance programs that improve your health and athletic activity. We also recognize we need to team up with other professionals, because your needs may be outside our scope of practice.

Our Skilled Clinicians

Joseph Millen PT, MTC

My name is Joe Millen. I’m the founder and owner of Impact Health.

I am a licensed physical therapist with over 35 years of clinical practice and also a certified manual therapist. I became interested in physical therapy (PT) when I was in high school. I suffered a knee injury that required surgery and extensive rehabilitation at a sports medicine clinic. I also volunteered with the Muscular Dystrophy Association, working with children and adults suffering from muscular disease. I wanted to make a difference. So, I went to college and was fortunate to get into a very good physical therapy program at Oakland University.

Physical therapy is my passion, second only to my wife and family. I have made it my guiding principle to deliver the care that I would expect as an expert in the field. Over time, this has become more and more difficult, not because my principles have changed but because healthcare has changed. We have had to figure out who our client is – you, the patient/client, the third-party payer, the doctor referring to you, or all of the above. As an industry, we became more focused on who paid and referred than on who we were treating. That has never worked for me.

I believe that we need to be responsible to each other. You, as my client, are my focus; not your insurance company, not your referring doctor. I will communicate with them on your behalf, which is my professional responsibility. My approach with clients has developed over time. I realized I am much more successful when I approached every client assessment looking at the total body rather than any one pain or ailment. I now call this approach “Total Body Health and Wellness.”

My mission is to help every client achieve one or more of the following goals:

Regain Health: A client may have been injured, suffered an illness or simply allowed themselves to fall away from optimal health.
Gain Long-term Wellness: Many times, a client’s lifestyle makes it difficult to maintain a healthful state. We can work with clients on a long-term basis, using nutrition, exercise, yoga, massage and other techniques to allow them to enjoy a sustained state of wellness.
Achieve Peak Performance: Athletes at the highest levels have coaches and trainers. Those professionals make sure the athlete is training his/her body to function at its highest level. They also make sure the athlete is using the best techniques of the sport to get the best outcome. We can do some of those things for you. You may not ever win a major tournament, but we can help you be the best you there is.
The Total Body Health team consists of experienced clinicians, physical therapists, personal trainers, plus trained massage therapists and instructors in yoga. My job is to make sure you see the right therapist at the right time in a way that provides you the best outcome.

Responsibility for your health is yours. You are the CEO of your life and your health. We are here to guide you and advise you. Your health is not based on performance, but your performance is based on your health.

We strive for your total body health and wellness. We make you part of your health process because you are the only one whose life depends on it.

Our Trainers

Patrick Millen

My name is Patrick Millen and I am a personal trainer at Impact Health and Performance. I graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Sports Management. I have over five years of personal training experience which has been heavily influenced by the Impact Health and Performance Methodology.

When I was in high school I suffered an injury that resulted in a torn ACL and both meniscus which occurred during my time playing football. So, you could say I have some real experience going through injury rehab and the perspective of what a person needs in order to stay focused and healthy. My current fitness passion is snowboarding and keeping my knee healthy and strong.

Specializing In:

  • Post Rehab performance
  • Injury prevention
  • Sports Performance
  • Weight loss


  • NASM CPT (Certified Personal Trainer)
  • NASM CES (Corrective Exercise Specialist)
  • TRIBE Team Training Certification
  • University of Florida Sports Management Degree